(Brassica juncea)
(Other Names: Chinese Mustard Green,Gai (Kai) Choi (Choy))
Chinese leaf mustard has been cultivated for thousands of years in China. It belongs to the cabbage family. The appearance resembles nonheading Chinese cabbage (Pak Choi) but Chinese mustard has a stronger taste with a touch of bitterness. The plants are 1 -3 feet in height. The leaf margin of most varieties is notched or toothed. Some varieties can produce heads in cold weather. Most varieties do not h.ead. They are very hardy and prefer cold weather. Chinese mustard will grow in virtually all soil conditions. It has a strangely rich but mild flavor that increases in pungency as the plant matures.
HOW TO GROW: Sow seeds about 16 inches apart in rows. Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep. Seeds germinate in 8-14 days. They can be started in a tray indoors and then transplanted into the garden.
WHEN TO PLANT: Chinese leaf mustard is hardy. Plant seeds in the spring as soon as the last frost has past. For fall crops, plant seeds in late summer or early fall. Some varieties may bolt if grown in hot summer weather.
CARE AND HARVEST: When seedlings are 3 inches tall, thin to stand 10-15 inches apart in the row. Chinese leaf mustard is seldom bothered by pests or disease. Fertilize and water regularly. Harvest entire plant by cutting at the base before the flower stalk appears
VARIETIES: There are three types of Chinese Mustard;
1. Leaf Mustard (Mustard Green): Rapid growth varieties. Kingshier small leaf mustard (small gaichoy) is a type of leaf mustard. Oblong light green leaf, with thin stem, young plant is tender and less pungent. Good for stir-fry and soup.
2. Heading Mustard: Large light green leaves are succulent, tender, and sweet. They head loosely in all cold weather and may not head in hot summer weather. This variety, with big plants, may be pickled or made into sour-salt mustard which is very popular in China. Such as Kingshire Dapingpu heading mustard.
3. Stemmed Mustard: This variety has a very thick stem. For cooking, remove the leaves and peel the skin of the stem. Slice and stir fry with meat or other vegetables.
USES: Mustard leaves may be used in soups or salads. It may be treated as spinach. Leaves and young shoots may also be salted and pickled. The salted mustard can be kept a long time and is very tasty when fried with pork.
- Stir Fry Chinese mustard Greens
1 lb Chinese mustard greens wash and cut in 1 inch strips.
2 cloves Garlic, chopped in small pieces
2. tblsp Corn oil
1 tsp Salt
1.tsp Sugar
1. Hear corn oil in frying pan (or wok) until hot.
2. Add garlic to oil and then add mustard greens
3. Stir fry for 1 minute, add salt and sugar. Continue to stir fry for another two minutes.
4. Serve hot.
2. Chinese Mustard Green Soup
1 oz Cellophane noodles
1/4 lb Pork, finely chopped
1 tsp Soysauce
6 cups Chicken stock
1 lb Mustard greens, cut in 1-1/2 inch lengths
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp White pepper
1. Immerse cellophane noodles in luke warm water and soak for 30 minutes drain and cut in 2 inch lengths.
2. Combine pork and soysauce. Heat chicken stock in a saucepan and add pork. Bring to a boil, and then simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Add mustard greens and cellophane noodles. Simmer for 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and white pepper.