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New Kuroda Carrot

  • Latin name:
  • Daucus carota
Product Description:

Quality New Kuroda Carrot Seed,Carotte-Touchon, Producteur Grainier

Attractive shape, outstanding uniformity.

An improved Chantenay-type, this smooth, deep orange carrot grows to 18 cm long and 6 cm in diameter.

Well adapted to warm growing area, it produces high quality, uniform roots in summer for fall harvest. The uniform plant has high tolerance to heat and leaf blight. Produces a marvelous yield with pleasant tasting roots.

Specifications of Carrot Seed

Root length (cm) 15 – 19
Root shape Medium obtriangular
External colour Orange red
Internal colour Deep orange
Skin (lenticels) Smooth
Core size Medium
Root uniformity Medium
Shoulders (purpling/green) Less sensitive
Brittle tolerance Low
Field standing ability Medium
Shelf life Medium


Soil Temperature: 45-85F

Planting Depth: 1/4″-1/2″

Germination: 6-20 Days

Height At Maturity: 8″-10″

Days To Maturity: 68-100 Days

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Spacing After Thinning: 2″-3″





Rustique et traditionnelle, cette variété produit des carottes à bout rond, d’environ 15 à 19 cm. Peut convenir en sols lourds, elle est peut exigeante et très productive. Juteuse et sucrée, elle est adaptée à une consommation crûe ou cuite. Très belle qualité gustative.


Please refer to the article about carrots cultivation: Planting, Growing and Harvesting Carrot Plants, it includes some information about commercial growing, such as: Climatic and Soil Requirements, Land Preparation, Crop Establishment, Nutrient Management, Water Management, Thinning and Hilling Up, Pest Management, Harvest Management, Postharvest Handling, Uses, Processing and Utilization.



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