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Chinese Long Bean Yardlong Bean

  • Latin name:
  • Vigna Unguiculata
Product Description:

Characteristic of yardlong bean:

The pod is light green, thick flesh, sweet and crisp, good commercial value, beautiful shape. It is 75 – 80cm in length, 40-45g in weight. The plant is climbing and strong type. Leaf is small but thick, dark green. Only 1 or 2 branches. Good resistance to disease. Best growing temperature is 12-32 degrees Celsius. Sowing quantity: 9.1kg seeds per acre. High fruit setting, very productive. Yield about 17000kgs per acre.


Early, the first female flower appears on the 3th-4th nod of the main vain, then there will be 2-4 pods in the each nod following. Sowing in spring, harvest time is 50 days. Sowing in summer, it will be 35 days. Very long harvesting time, lasting about 30-35 days.

Key point:

1. Choosing the fertile soil, applying enough base-fertilizer and moderate addition of dressing when it grows. During the podding phase, supplying sufficient fertilizer and water.

2. Diseases pest and control: mainly rust disease aphid bean-pod borer and mites.

3. Storage: Keep it in a cool and dry place, tightly closed. Sow the seeds promptly after opening.

4. Please note: Maturity, adaptability and disease tolerance may differ under your specific climate and/or growing conditions.

Botanical Name – Vigna unguiculata subso. Sesquipedalis

English – Long Bean, Asparagus Bean, Snake Bean

Chinese – Dau Gok, Cai Dou, Chang Dou, Jiang Dou, Chang Jiang Dou

Japanese – Juroku-Sasage

Vietnamese – Dau Que

Thai – Tau-Fug-Yao, Tau-Afuk Uaou

Filipino – Sitao, Banor, Hamtak

Indonesian – Kacang Panjang, Otok

Malay – Kacang Belut, kacang Panjang Hijau, Kacang Perut Ayam


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