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Radish Microgreens

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Product Description:

Radish microgreens are substantial and crunchy, and taste exactly like a radish. Very easy and fast growers. Makes a great garnish or addition to any salad or sandwich. Use sparingly for a radish accent.

1. Where do Radish Microgreens Come From?  They don’t look like a radish.  

The same seed that becomes a radish bulb creates the radish microgreen.  The radish seeds planted in the microgreen-method are not treated with any fungicide or other kind of seed treatment solution that a radish intended for the fields could be treated with.  You can grow radish microgreens from any variety of edible radish (including daikon radish).  Several radish seed varieties are called “sprouting” seeds because they tend to grow fast, are untreated, and have great flavor.  It isn’t that microgreens are grown from special seeds– its that microgreens are grown in a special way that differs from how you’d plant radishes in your garden.

2. What do Radish Microgreens Taste Like?

Radish Microgreens taste like a peppery radish bulb.  You might think that a radish microgreen looks leafy and would taste similar those green leaves that come attached to full grown radish bulbs, but the radish microgreen tastes more like the bulb than those hairy and tough radish greens. The beauty of the radish microgreen is that you can get that same peppery radish punch, in the form of a delicate and crunchy tiny plant. Where you might not want to eat radish slices on your next (veggie) burger the radish microgreen would make a lovely addition of pepper, texture, and color.  You can even substitute microgreens for the lettuce on your favorite sandwhich to bring a serious flavor enhancement.

3. If Radish Microgreens Taste Like A Radish Bulb, Why Wouldn’t I Just Eat A Radish?

The simple answer is variety, texture, flavor, and nutrition.  The radish microgreen is tiny, packed with more vitamins and minerals than the same amount of radish bulb, allows to you to add just a dash of radishy goodness, is beautiful to look at, contains chloraphyll, has a different texture than the radish bulb, and can be easily added to your everyday snacks and meals.   Radish microgreens aren’t intended to usurp the radish bulb, they just offer another way to add flavor, texture, color, nutrition, and fun to your life.

Just imagine, delicious and nutritious avocado toast sprinkled with flaky salt and just the right amount of peppery radish microgreen flavor.  Perfect.  But try to imagine that same avocado toast topped with slices of radish bulb.  The mouth feel and texture would just not be the same.  

Growing Directions:

Radish microgreens are fast and easy to grow and are substantial and very crunchy. Due to its fast growth, it can be harvested as early as 6 days, assuming you have exposed them to light on day 3. These radish microgreens are at their peak of crunchiness at about day 5 or 6. Once they grow larger they get more leafy and lose their crunch. You can flip the lid a day before exposing to light to strengthen the crop.


Daikon Radish is a green crop with an intense radish flavor great in any microgreen salad or full sized salad. Daikon is one of the most popular radishes to sprout as well. Use instead of sliced radish anywhere you would normally use radish. Radish greens have a pleasant peppery bite, whether raw or cooked. A hearty salad made with these greens offers enough nourishment to reduce the need for snacking. This obviously cuts your caloric intake, which stabilizes your daily regimen.


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